1 gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * position;
1 mat4 translateView = mat4(1.0f);//单位矩阵2 3 for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) 4 { translateView[t].w = viewMatrix[t].w; }5 6 translateView[3] = viewMatrix[3];7 8 gl_Position = projectionMatrix * translateView * (modelMatrix * position);
1 private mat4 AlwaysFaceCamera(mat4 viewMatrix) 2 { 3 mat4 result = mat4.identity(); 4 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 5 { 6 vec4 v = result[i]; 7 v.w = viewMatrix[i].w; 8 result[i] = v; 9 }10 result[3] = viewMatrix[3];11 12 return result;13 }
1 ///2 /// 3 /// 4 /// camera的Position和Target之间的距离 5 /// 血条高度 6 ///7 private mat4 AlwaysSameSize(float length, float height) 8 { 9 mat4 result = glm.translate(glm.scale(mat4.identity(),10 new vec3(length, length, 1)),11 new vec3(0, height / length, 0));12 13 return result;14 }
您可以在下图的例子中观察血条类型的模型是如何实现的。此demo顺便加上了后面要介绍的血条型文字(teapot)和UI文字(Hello Label!)。
1 ///2 /// 用于渲染一段文字 3 /// 4 public class StringModel : IModel 5 { 6 public sampler2D glyphTexture { get; set; } 7 public GlyphPosition[] positions { get; set; } 8 public GlyphColor[] colors { get; set; } 9 public GlyphTexCoord[] texCoords { get; set; } 10 11 public Objects.VertexBuffers.BufferRenderer GetPositionBufferRenderer(string varNameInShader) 12 { 13 using (var buffer = new PositionBuffer(varNameInShader)) 14 { 15 buffer.Alloc(positions.Length); 16 unsafe 17 { 18 var array = (GlyphPosition*)buffer.FirstElement(); 19 for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) 20 { 21 array[i] = positions[i]; 22 } 23 } 24 25 return buffer.GetRenderer(); 26 } 27 } 28 29 public Objects.VertexBuffers.BufferRenderer GetColorBufferRenderer(string varNameInShader) 30 { 31 using (var buffer = new ColorBuffer(varNameInShader)) 32 { 33 buffer.Alloc(colors.Length); 34 unsafe 35 { 36 var array = (GlyphColor*)buffer.FirstElement(); 37 for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) 38 { 39 array[i] = colors[i]; 40 } 41 } 42 43 return buffer.GetRenderer(); 44 } 45 } 46 47 public Objects.VertexBuffers.BufferRenderer GetTexCoordBufferRenderer(string varNameInShader) 48 { 49 using (var buffer = new TexCoordBuffer(varNameInShader)) 50 { 51 buffer.Alloc(texCoords.Length); 52 unsafe 53 { 54 var array = (GlyphTexCoord*)buffer.FirstElement(); 55 for (int i = 0; i < texCoords.Length; i++) 56 { 57 array[i] = texCoords[i]; 58 } 59 } 60 61 return buffer.GetRenderer(); 62 } 63 } 64 65 public Objects.VertexBuffers.BufferRenderer GetNormalBufferRenderer(string varNameInShader) 66 { 67 return null; 68 } 69 70 public Objects.VertexBuffers.BufferRenderer GetIndexes() 71 { 72 using (var buffer = new ZeroIndexBuffer(DrawMode.Quads, 0, this.positions.Length * 4)) 73 { 74 return buffer.GetRenderer(); 75 } 76 } 77 78 public struct GlyphPosition 79 { 80 public vec2 leftUp; 81 public vec2 leftDown; 82 public vec2 rightUp; 83 public vec2 rightDown; 84 85 public GlyphPosition( 86 vec2 leftUp, 87 vec2 leftDown, 88 vec2 rightUp, 89 vec2 rightDown) 90 { 91 this.leftUp = leftUp; 92 this.leftDown = leftDown; 93 this.rightUp = rightUp; 94 this.rightDown = rightDown; 95 } 96 } 97 98 public struct GlyphColor 99 {100 public vec4 leftUp;101 public vec4 leftDown;102 public vec4 rightUp;103 public vec4 rightDown;104 105 public GlyphColor(106 vec4 leftUp,107 vec4 leftDown,108 vec4 rightUp,109 vec4 rightDown)110 {111 this.leftUp = leftUp;112 this.leftDown = leftDown;113 this.rightUp = rightUp;114 this.rightDown = rightDown;115 }116 }117 118 public struct GlyphTexCoord119 {120 public vec2 leftUp;121 public vec2 leftDown;122 public vec2 rightUp;123 public vec2 rightDown;124 125 public GlyphTexCoord(126 vec2 leftUp,127 vec2 leftDown,128 vec2 rightUp,129 vec2 rightDown)130 {131 this.leftUp = leftUp;132 this.leftDown = leftDown;133 this.rightUp = rightUp;134 this.rightDown = rightDown;135 }136 }137 138 class PositionBuffer : PropertyBuffer139 {140 public PositionBuffer(string varNameInShader)141 : base(varNameInShader, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT, BufferUsage.StaticDraw)142 { }143 }144 class ColorBuffer : PropertyBuffer 145 {146 public ColorBuffer(string varNameInShader)147 : base(varNameInShader, 4, GL.GL_FLOAT, BufferUsage.StaticDraw)148 { }149 }150 151 class TexCoordBuffer : PropertyBuffer 152 {153 public TexCoordBuffer(string varNameInShader)154 : base(varNameInShader, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT, BufferUsage.StaticDraw)155 { }156 }157 }
vertex shader如下。
1 #version 150 core 2 3 in vec2 position; 4 in vec4 color; 5 out vec4 passColor; 6 in vec2 texCoord; 7 out vec2 passTexCoord; 8 uniform mat4 mvp; 9 10 void main(void)11 {12 gl_Position = mvp * vec4(position, 0.0f, 1.0f);13 passColor = color;14 passTexCoord = texCoord;15 }
fragment shader如下。
1 #version 150 core 2 3 in vec4 passColor; 4 in vec2 passTexCoord; 5 uniform sampler2D glyphTexture; 6 out vec4 outputColor; 7 8 void main(void) 9 {10 float transparency = texture(glyphTexture, passTexCoord).r;11 if (transparency == 0.0f)12 {13 discard;14 }15 else16 {17 outputColor = vec4(1, 1, 1, transparency) * passColor;18 }19 }
1 public static class DummyStringModelFactory 2 { 3 ///4 /// 简单地生成一行文字。 5 /// 6 /// 7 ///8 public static StringModel GetModel(this string content) 9 {10 StringModel model = new StringModel();11 12 var glyphPositions = new StringModel.GlyphPosition[content.Length];13 FontResource fontResource = CSharpGL.GlyphTextures.FontResource.Default;14 var glyphTexCoords = new StringModel.GlyphTexCoord[content.Length];15 //fontResource.GenerateBitmapForString(content, 10, 10000);16 int currentWidth = 0; int currentHeight = 0;17 /*18 * 0 3 4 6 8 11 12 1519 * ------- ------- ------- -------20 * | | | | | | | |21 * | | | | | | | |22 * | | | | | | | |23 * ------- ------- ------- -------24 * 1 2 5 6 9 10 13 14 25 */26 for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)27 {28 char ch = content[i];29 CharacterInfo info = fontResource.CharInfoDict[ch];30 glyphPositions[i] = new StringModel.GlyphPosition(31 new GLM.vec2(currentWidth, currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight),32 new GLM.vec2(currentWidth, currentHeight),33 new GLM.vec2(currentWidth + info.width, currentHeight),34 new GLM.vec2(currentWidth + info.width, currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight));35 const int shrimp = 2;36 glyphTexCoords[i] = new StringModel.GlyphTexCoord(37 new GLM.vec2((float)(info.xoffset + shrimp) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Width, (float)(currentHeight) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Height),38 new GLM.vec2((float)(info.xoffset + shrimp) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Width, (float)(currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Height),39 new GLM.vec2((float)(info.xoffset - shrimp + info.width) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Width, (float)(currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Height),40 new GLM.vec2((float)(info.xoffset - shrimp + info.width) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Width, (float)(currentHeight) / (float)fontResource.FontBitmap.Height)41 );42 currentWidth += info.width + 10;43 }44 // move to center45 for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)46 {47 StringModel.GlyphPosition position = glyphPositions[i];48 49 position.leftUp.x -= currentWidth / 2;50 position.leftDown.x -= currentWidth / 2;51 position.rightUp.x -= currentWidth / 2;52 position.rightDown.x -= currentWidth / 2;53 position.leftUp.y -= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight) / 2;54 position.leftDown.y -= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight) / 2;55 position.rightUp.y -= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight) / 2;56 position.rightDown.y -= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight) / 2;57 58 position.leftUp.x /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);59 position.leftDown.x /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);60 position.rightUp.x /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);61 position.rightDown.x /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);62 position.leftUp.y /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);63 position.leftDown.y /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);64 position.rightUp.y /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);65 position.rightDown.y /= (currentHeight + fontResource.FontHeight);66 glyphPositions[i] = position;67 }68 69 var glyphColors = new StringModel.GlyphColor[content.Length];70 for (int i = 0; i < glyphColors.Length; i++)71 {72 glyphColors[i] = new StringModel.GlyphColor(73 new GLM.vec4(0, 0, 0, 1),74 new GLM.vec4(0, 0, 0, 1),75 new GLM.vec4(0, 0, 0, 1),76 new GLM.vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)77 );78 }79 80 model.positions = glyphPositions;81 model.texCoords = glyphTexCoords;82 model.colors = glyphColors;83 model.glyphTexture = FontTextureManager.Instance.GetTexture2D(fontResource.FontBitmap);84 85 return model;86 }87 }
我是用point sprite做的,其大小范围有限,最多到256x256个像素。当时不用GLSL+VBO,是因为那会还不知道如何使模型始终朝向camera。
1 public class DummyLabel : RendererBase, IUILayout 2 { 3 public StringRenderer renderer; 4 5 ///6 /// 7 /// 8 /// the edges of the viewport to which a SimpleUIRect is bound and determines how it is resized with its parent. 9 ///something like AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom. 10 /// 11 public DummyLabel(IUILayoutParam param, string content)12 {13 this.renderer = new StringRenderer(content.GetModel());14 15 IUILayout layout = this;16 layout.Param = param;17 }18 19 protected override void DisposeUnmanagedResources()20 {21 this.renderer.Dispose();22 }23 24 #region IUILayout25 26 public IUILayoutParam Param { get; set; }27 28 #endregion IUILayout29 30 protected override void DoInitialize()31 {32 this.renderer.Initialize();33 }34 35 protected override void DoRender(RenderEventArgs e)36 {37 mat4 projectionMatrix, viewMatrix, modelMatrix;38 {39 IUILayout element = this as IUILayout;40 element.GetMatrix(out projectionMatrix, out viewMatrix, out modelMatrix, null);41 }42 this.renderer.mvp = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix;43 44 this.renderer.Render(e);45 46 }47 }